Najushiktang (나주식당) is an excellent Korean place where most of the items on the menu are between 5000-8000 won. The place is a nice little basement place these days, although this is an expansion from their original location which only had about six tables in it. The new location is more centrally located quite near Uplex in Sinchon.
The food in this place is no joke. They give you all kinds of side dishes (반찬) all of which are of excellent quality and the items on the menu are also of excellent quality. All things considered, there is no way to beat Najushiktang. This place has great food at an excellent price.
The food at Najushiktang
Bossam Jungshik (보쌈정식) at the top
New Address System: 서울특별시 서대문구 연세로 10-1 즐거운빌딩
Old Address System: 서울특별시 서대문구 창천동 18-55 번지
Google Maps: Najushiktang on Google Maps
Naver maps: Najushiktang on Naver Maps
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